Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Taking Shape

Here is a look at progress on the structure. I have most of the layout/footprint figured out for the structure.

My estimation is that the structure is about six feet (6'). I currently thinking on how I am going to put it together, I do not want the entire thing to be one piece structure. Im thinking maybe four pieces if not more. 

For the rest of construction to happen I am going to need styrene sheets, square beams, I-beams, etc. There will be a complete interior for the rail loading/unloading sections. 

Next week I hope to paint the mostly scratch built second story thats just behind the new prefab structure. The window sections are from the American Hardware Kit (which is also the River City Textiles Background Building Kit); I cut the wall into four + sections and added a Walther's brick wall sheet in the middle. In between each section going vertically is white styrene strips that will be painted the aged concrete color. The bottom of all the sections the tan/cream color plastic, which is from the Lakeville Warehouse Kit, will also be painted the same concrete color. I wanted it to at least sort of tie-in/blend-in with the rest of the American Hardware Supply Kit. The white part in the middle is going to be the buildings air system intake/or exhaust. I might try to find some brass mesh, or other detail parts for it.

For the interior loading dock I plan in "indenting" the entire thing. Sort of like you see here. The red section in the very back are the doors while the second story will be flush with the rest of the structure. I do plan on having the elevated loading dock forward to that line as well.

It has come a long way in about two or three weeks, still has a long way to go. Which is fine. :)

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